For customers that do not require assistance with content development and more effective messaging, CEC does offer basic writing and editing services. Generally speaking, editing is not intended to be anything more than improving flow, clarity, and sentence structure. Of course, it also includes correction of typographical and grammatical errors, along with strengthening the document as a whole. As long as you know what you want to say, you are on the right website page.
This service is available to nonprofits and individuals, as well as for-profit entities. Writing services can be provided for creative purposes, in addition to professional needs such as website copy, nonprofit/corporate leadership letters, email blasts, and so forth.
If you are viewing this page with grant proposals in mind, please visit the grants section to learn about scaled-back services, including critique and minor edits of your application package prior to submission. Most of our clients need more help than this, but your organization might be an exception.