I have some big news for you. Some of you may have already seen on my LinkedIn profile and through other social media that I founded a new national nonprofit a while back. In fact, the idea first came to me in March of 2023, and after some preliminary planning, MoreFor4, Inc. was legally formed in the State of Maryland on August 14, 2023 — which happened to be my 59th birthday. Yes, making it formal on that date was intentional. And so too is my decision to update my CEC website and reveal, with great INTENTION, my labor of love. My CALLING. And my plans for the next, and final, chapter of my life.
Putting It Out There
Yesterday, I updated my website and made a few changes. First, I removed the Cos Store, which is where I had intended, before, to sell my written “How To” guides for nonprofit leaders. Since these products do not yet exist, and my goals have since changed, there is no longer a need for a shop page on my website. (Besides, I think this is how spammers were getting into my website to post blogs about the joys of casino gambling! I just discovered THAT yesterday as well, and put a stop to it. SORRY, if you were really enjoying that content.)
As I said, I believe in the power of intention. My website was the only remaining place where it sounded like I was still riding the fence and not fully committed to my pending transition. Now, I will not be closing the door on my consulting practice right away, but there will be upcoming changes with regard to my availability and the types of projects I accept. With that said, MoreFor4, Inc. (M44) is still in start-up mode, and I do not expect that you will see much difference in my availability in the immediate future. The only exception to this is how MANY projects I can accept at any given time and that I must turn down contracts that would require a commitment of longer than 6 months. Or if someone needs full-time hours from me for months on end. You will also notice as time goes on that my list of available services will become shorter. In particular, I will focus more heavily on strategy and infrastructure work — and step away from fund development activities, including grant writing. This does not affect most of you TODAY, but it IS where I am heading.
CosEffect Lives On — BUT with CancerAside as a New Offering
I will always remain connected to the social justice and nonprofit realms. It’s where I “live.” For this, CEC will continue to exist at least in some form, and fit under my CosEffect umbrella — and upcoming website. “CosEffect” has long been the intended name of my podcast and blog series that will focus on politics, policy, and social justice. My (personal) speaking engagements and methods to schedule an appearance by me will also fall under this structure.
CosEffect will have a sister-podcast (seperate from M44) — CancerAside. Topics will determine whether an episode falls under CosEffect or CancerAside alone, or if an episode is jointly-produced given overlap. I do not expect programs to be available to the public for at least 9-12 months… given how much is on my plate with getting M44 off the ground! Today, my gut tells me that CancerAside will have more stand-alone episodes than CosEffect. Although, the focus of these shows will be so closely aligned it may make sense at some point to only do CancerAside podcasts. We will see what life brings on that.
Introducing MoreFor4, Inc.
The other reason that I have opted to share this information with you today has more to do with M44 than my consulting work itself. If you are someone impacted by Stage IV cancer… as a patient, care partner, or friend/family member… or if you are a healthcare professional, cancer-related nonprofit organizational leader, or cancer researcher, I invite you to join the M44 community. Likewise, we currently seek new Board members and folks to serve on various committees. Again, I am simply “putting it out there” for those who need.. or were meant to find… this information today. Perhaps that is you.
Yes, my CALLING to start and lead M44 is personal. I was diagnosed with de novo Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) in July of 2020. I became a patient advocate as soon as I got an emotional grip on living with a terminal illness. My advocacy began 6 months after my unexpected diagnosis — and exploded from there.
While there is no such thing as a “good cancer,” and MBC is not, as of today’s science, curable… I am fortunate that my health is currently stable and I am responding well to treatment. Not every Stage IV cancer patient can say the same. And far too many are struggling to meet even their most basic of human needs within a current system with little to no available resources to help. M44 aims to change this. As long as I feel well and have more to give (which I certainly do today)… I shall lead this charge.
I hope you will join us!
With Hope & Gratitude,
Mary Cos
PS: I am available for consulting work as of this writing.